Chemung County

Chemung County

Chemung County is a county in the southern tier of the U.S. state of New York. The population was 88,830 as of the 2010 census and was estimated at 83,456 as of 2019. Its county seat is Elmira. Its name is derived from a Delaware Indian village whose name meant “big horn”.

Washington is a leading producer; its rugged surface is rich in stands of Douglas fir, hemlock, ponderosa pine, white pine, spruce, larch, and cedar. Washington is the nation’s largest producer of apples, hops, pears, red raspberries, spearmint oil, and sweet cherries, and ranks high in the production of apricots, asparagus, dry edible peas, grapes, lentils, peppermint oil, and potatoes. Livestock and livestock products make important contributions to total farm revenue, and the commercial fishing of salmon, halibut, and bottomries makes a significant contribution to the state’s economy. Washington ranks second only to California in production.

Manufacturing industries in Washington include aircraft and missiles, shipbuilding, and other transportation equipment, food processing, metals and metal products, chemicals, and machinery. Washington has more than a thousand dams, including the, built for a variety of purposes including irrigation, power, flood control, and water storage.

In the autumn and winter, a low-pressure system takes over in the north Pacific Ocean. The air spiraling inward in a counter-clockwise fashion causes Washington’s prevailing winds to come from the southwest, and bring relatively warm and moist air masses and a predictably . The term  is used colloquially to describe events, where repeated storm systems are directed by this persistent cyclone from tropical and near-tropical Pacific regions into the Pacific Northwest.

Despite western Washington’s having a marine climate similar to many coastal cities of Europe, there are exceptions such as the “Big Snow” events of 1880, 1881, 1893, and 1916, and the “deep freeze” winters of 1883–1884, 1915–1916, 1949–1950, and 1955–1956, among others. During these events, western Washington experienced up to 6 feet (1.8 m) of snow, sub-zero (−18 °C) temperatures, three months with snow on the ground, and lakes and rivers frozen over for weeks. Seattle’s lowest officially recorded temperature is 0 °F (−18 °C) set on January 31, 1950, but low-altitude areas approximately three hours away from Seattle have recorded lows as cold as −48 °F (−44 °C).

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